


本院以尊重生命價值、安全就醫環境、團隊整合服務三大目標,結合急、慢性醫療照護,預防醫學健康管理及醫學美容,提供專業、優質、個人化、連續性、及整合性的全方位醫療保健服務。本著醫院之宗旨、目標、願景於2006 年 10 月成立博仁健康管理中心,由美國家醫科專科醫師 Dr. Kenneth Wang 親自策劃主持,以完整的醫療團隊提供優質的健康管理服務。醫學影像中心引進磁振造影、電腦斷層掃描儀及其他先端科技健檢儀器;專業護理師評估個人整體狀況,量身訂做個別化健康檢查項目;提供中英文檢查報告及影像資料光碟儲存;由專業醫護人員就檢查提供生活與飲食的衛教建議,並協助轉診追蹤治療,以達到完善的個人化健康管理。

‧ Po Jen General Hospital is a community hospital serving the medical needs while promoting healthful living in the Taipei Metropolitan community since 1976. The hospital was accredited by Department of Health and given its highest honor, “5 stars of the district hospitals of excellence” award in 2011.

‧ This 175 bed hospital consists of 19 multi-specialty clinics, fully staffed intensive units, 24 hr emergency chest pain cardiac catheterization center, dialysis center, respiratory care ward, MRI / 64MD Ultra Low Dose CT advanced imaging center, Physical exam center, and cosmetic dermatology / Plastic surgery center.

‧ Po Jen General Hospital is Taiwan’s leading community hospital and practices medicine on the premise of respecting the dignity of life while utilizing an integrated approach to medical service to provide excellent medical care.

【 Mission】
˙ Compassion
˙ Service
˙ Innovation

【 Vision】
˙ To become Taiwan’s leading community hospital

【 Goal】 ˙ To respect the dignity of life
˙ To provide quality medical care
˙ To utilize an integrated team approach to medical service